Stop accusing us, you caused rising poverty rate, Governors reply Buhari regime

The Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF) has pushed back the claims of the federal government that they majorly contribute to the rising poverty rate in the country.

The President Muhammadu Buhari regime recently casted blames on the state chief executives, saying they were paying more attention to infrastructures than improving conditions of citizens in rural areas.

Clem Agba, minister of state for budget and national planning, said the country’s 72 per cent of poor citizens are in the rural areas abandoned by the governors.

Responding in a statement by AbdulRazaque Bello-Barkindo, NGF’s director of media and public affairs, the state helmsmen said the claim came as a surprise and unnecessary.

“The tirade early this week by the minister of state for budget and national planning Clement Agba, on the 36 Governors, where he blamed them for the rising poverty index in the country came to the Nigeria Governors’ Forum as a surprise,” the statement reads.

“The minister got his message totally wrong. His attacks are not only unnecessary, but they represent a brazen descent into selective amnesia. It is also diversionary as far as the Governors are concerned.

“The minister who should be responding to a question demanding to know what he and his colleague, the ninister of finance, budget and national planning, Zainab Ahmed, were doing to ameliorate the hardship Nigerians attempted to defray the notion that rising levels of hunger and lack were peculiar to Nigeria.

“True as that may be Agba went further to explain that their government, through many of its social security programs, has been dedicating resources to alleviating hardship, and then goes further to accuse state governors of misdirecting resources to projects that have no impact on the people.

“While rightly pointing out that 72% of the poverty in Nigeria is found in the rural areas, the minister said that the rural populace had been abandoned by governors.

“This assertion is not only preposterous and without any empirical basis, but also very far from the truth. It is Clement Agba’s veiled and deliberate effort as a minister, to protect his paymasters and politicize very critical issues of national importance.”

Bello-Barkindo said the federal government’s dereliction of duty and inability to secure lives and property is the main reason for high rates of poverty in states.

“First and foremost, the primary duty of any government is to ensure the security of lives and property, without which no sensible human activity takes place,” he added.

“But the federal government which is responsible for the security of lives and property has been unable to fulfil this covenant with the people thus allowing bandits, insurgents, and kidnappers to turn the country into a killing field, maiming and abducting people, in schools market squares and even on their farmlands.

“This dereliction of duty from the centre is the main reason why people have been unable to engage in regular agrarian activity and in commerce.

“Today, rural areas are insecure, markets are unsafe, travel surety of travels are improbable, and life for the common people generally is harsh and brutish.

“The question is, how can a defenceless rural population maintain a sustainable lifestyle of peace and harmony when their lives are cut prematurely, and they wallow permanently in danger?

“How does a minister whose government has been unable to ensure security, law and order have the temerity to blame governors?”

Bello-Barkindo said it is wrong for the federal government to abdicate itself from the raging poverty as reports showed 130 million Nigerians are wallowing in abject poverty.

“Two states, Edo State and Akwa Ibom state, had promptly responded to the vituperations of the minister,” he said.

“According to Akwa Ibom state, what determines poverty and unemployment in a country is its economic policy, which is set normally by the central government nationally. Akwa Ibom insists that the federal government cannot abdicate its responsibility by blaming states and goes further to ask, albeit rhetorically, how economic policies in a state drive the dollar which determines almost every aspect of our national existence.

“In its response to Clement Agba, Edo State, on the other hand, reeled out the projects the state embarked upon which were targeted at alleviating poverty among its people. Agba is perceptibly oblivious to them. Many other states have been implementing pro-poor programs in their domain, and they are there for all to see.

“For example, it is the Federal Government that, in its campaign message in 2019, promised to take 100 million Nigerians out of poverty. Today, records show that more than 130 million Nigerians are living below the globally accepted poverty line of a dollar a day.

“Under the current administration that Clement Agba is minister, the national cash cow, the NNPC, had failed to remit statutory allocations to states in several months.

“The situation had compelled governors to rely on other sources of revenue like the SFTAS program and other interventions anchored by the NGF, to fund states activities while monies budgeted for such federal ministries as Agriculture, Rural Development and Humanitarian Affairs are not being deployed in the direction of the people.

“So, where is the Minister getting his unverified facts and figures from? It is important to mention here that only this week the house of representatives asked the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Hajiya Sadiya Umar Farouk, to quit office if she was not ready to do her work of alleviating poverty in the land. This, in other words, is a resounding vote of no confidence on the ministers among whom Agba serves.

“The Nigeria Governors’ Forum would like to state categorically that it does not indulge in joining issues with the Federal Executive Council, being a non-partisan organ. The NGF’s primary mandate is to partner with all well-meaning institutions, concerns, MDAs, and individuals for the progress of the Nigerian people.

“However, it is important to put on record the progress made by state governors in the administration of their states, which have witnessed tremendous progress in recent times.

“Governors have undertaken projects where they, in conjunction with their people, deem them fit for purpose. Governors have today shown greater responsiveness to the yearnings and aspirations of their people, and these vary from one state to another.

“The opinion, therefore, of one minister, based on a survey of 56,000 households in a country of 200 million people, can never diminish the good work that 36 pro-poor-minded governors are doing for this country.

“Finally, it is important to admonish top government functionaries like Clement Agba that the Nigerian people deserve answers from even those who are appointed to serve them, and these finger-pointing invectives on soft targets do not help the matter, only answers do.”